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World conference of expatriate Greeks to take place in Athens

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Friday, June 2, 2006

Thessaloniki and Athens, Greece

Athens, capital of Greece

The first world conference of Greeks living abroad will take place in Athens, Greece, between 6-8 of June 2006. The congress is organised within the frame of the celebrations for the ten years of Ecumenical Hellenism program's [1] operation. In the organisation of the conference, the University La Trobe of Melbourne, Australia joins with its co-operation.

The congress is organised under the patronage of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Municipality of Athens as well as under the blessing of the Ecumenical Patriach Bartholomew I of Constantinople, the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Christodoulos and the Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria, Theodorus.

Zappion Conference Centre

Official guests of the congress - which will take place in a central Athens Hotel as well as in the Zappion Conference Centre - are topmost personalities of the expatriate Hellenism, top members of the political, religious and cultural leadership of Greece as well as businessmen and University professors from Europe, America and Australia. According to the conference's organisers, an especial distinction of honour will be delivered to the Mayor of Havana, Cuba, who is an official guest of the congress, as a result of his offer to the classical studies in Latin America and to Orthodoxy.

The organiser of the first world conference of Greeks living abroad, is the program "Ecumenical Hellenism"; a result of the co-operation between the Greek National Line publishing house and the Institute for National and Religious Studies of Thessaloniki.


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This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.